Travel Planning Consult

Traveling with a toddler or baby can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.  I’ve done a lot of traveling as a solo parent with a little babe and toddler, so it’s my area of expertise.

Are you embarking on a family vacation or a work trip that involves your little ones?  Could you use some help in identifying kid-friendly places to stay within your budget?  What about reserving airline tickets on the most kid-friendly airlines?  Or identifying fun things to do with the kids once you arrive at your destination based on your family’s interests?  Making sure you have everyone’s documents and visas in order?

As laid back as I pretend to be, I love planning for travel.  I love searching for the best travel and airfare deals, researching fun places to go, and making sure that everything is prepared in advance to ensure that the journey and the trip are as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

So, here’s the deal.  I would love to help you plan for your trip.  I will email you or call you (whichever you prefer) with a list of questions to help me understand your preferences and family’s interests in activities, as well as your budget.

Stress-Free Travel Planning Consultation Service

After consulting with you to determine your travel budget and preferences, I will do all the research and provide you with recommendations and options.  After you tell me your preference for the options I offer to you, I will make all of the reservations and do all logistical planning for you.

– Provide you with three different destination options based on your family’s preferences, budget, and time away

Inform you of any need visas and requirements for your destination and provide you with contact information to the consulate or a visa/ passport application service with step-by-step instructions on how to complete everything

– Provide you with a comprehensive but readable list of age-appropriate travel immunizations and health recommendations for travel to your destination from the CDC

Reserve airfare (after providing you with three itinerary options) and request special seats and meals

Reserve accommodation (after providing you with three options)

Reserve or plan transportation at destination (after providing you with three options)

Reserve tour or vacation package OR if you’re not into packages (I’m not) I can offer you three different schedules with planned activities at your destination based on your preferences

– Provide a customized printable checked bag and carry-on bag packing list for all traveling family members based on your destination and itinerary.  I include the essentials and the optional items for your consideration, focusing on packing light.

Provide a “To Do” List for any additional planning or preparation that requires action on your part

Answer any questions you have (from food to jet lag concerns specific to your family)

Let me be your pseudo travel agent, only one that is completely focused on custom-tailoring your trip for your travel with toddlers, babies, or older kidlets.  All communication will be via email, or by telephone if you have a preference.

The cost for my time to provide all of the services to you above so that you can have a stress-free time to enjoy your travel and time with your kids is US$250.  50% will be requested at the time of agreeing on the service (payable via PayPal), while the remainder will be expected after you are happy with the services provided and we both consider the services complete.  Obviously the cost of airfare, etc. is not included- this price is for my planning services only.  All of the travel costs will be at cost to you.  I am available to provide this service internationally.  Drop me an email if you are interested in discussing working with me on planning your trip or have questions about my services.

3 thoughts on “Travel Planning Consult”

  • Hi!

    I stumbled on your wonderful blog as I was trying to figure out whether our dream to spend some time abroad fit with the reality of raising a toddler. Thank you for all of the insights and information you have provided!

    We will be in Barcelona, Spain for 4 months starting next January. Depending on our finances, we would like to take the next 2 months to visit countries in Europe (E. Europe mostly), Greece, Turkey, Northern India, and southeast Asia. It sounds like a lot to me right now, especially thinking about doing all of it with a 2.5 year old, but we would like to try.

    Is this something that you could help us prepare for? We would like to spend some “quality time” in each country by living very much as the locals live, which means limiting our stay in hotels and traveling by land as much as possible.

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Very warm regards,


    • Hi Scarlett,

      Thank you for contacting me regarding your potential dream trip plus toddler! It looks like a very fun itinerary, and I think it is most certainly doable. I would happy to provide you with my travel planning consultation services, keeping in mind your budget, timeline, and your desire to avoid hotels and “live locally,” traveling by land as much as possible.

      I will send you an email shortly with more details. Thank you for contacting me!

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